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The Season of Advent

The four weeks leading to Christmas are a time to prepare our minds, hearts and bodies for the birth of Jesus Christ. Explore how you can bring the season of Advent, which means "coming" into your home and heart.

Click on the images below for helpful information on what Advent is all about!

Advent Wreaths

We will be providing Advent Wreath making kits this year, but you will need to reserve a kit in advance.  You can also go online and purchase candles and a ring holder if you need one.  Amazon has several options available as do other online retailers.  

Here are a couple options:  taper candles  

battery powered votive candles 

decorated wreath with candle holders

God Glimpses in Advent

The four episodes below contain God Glimpses that were filmed in 2021;  ways in which each of us can glimpse God in our daily lives.  You are encouraged to watch it and see how Emmanuel = God with us can truly be present in each of our lives, for we are each beloved children of God.   Thank you to all those who blessed our community by sharing their God Glimpses

Marking the Season in your Home

As we move through the church season of Advent, a time of waiting and hope.  You can participate fully into this time of expectation and hope in your home.

Whether you live alone or with others, there are several ways you can bring the season of Advent into your home.

Advent Resources Online

Advent Reflections/Meditations:

Advent Music:

Adult Formation on Advent from the Greater Episcopal Church:

Advent at Home/ Advent for Families:

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